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| FAQ, Agency
Q. Why should an agency use Public Surplus?
A. There are many reasons why Public Surplus is beneficial to any agency. Here's a list of the four reasons we feel are most important:
- Public Surplus was designed specifically for public agencies! Our system enables agencies to manage their entire surplus inventory, while maintaining compliance with State regulations and policies...
- Public Surplus assures compliance with state and local regulations and policies! Many States require that public agencies maintain audit-records detailing the disposition of every surplus item...
- Public Surplus simplifies internal reallocation! Most States require that public agencies, whenever possible, reallocate surplus items internally...
- Public Surplus helps agencies attract larger numbers of community members to their surplus auctions. Our system increases the contact between an agency and the community it serves...
Q. What kind of surplus items can be sold on Public Surplus?
A. Almost anything can be sold on Public Surplus - mousetraps, portable classrooms, automobiles, buses, heavy equipment, shop equipment, kitchen equipment, athletic equipment, musical instruments, computers, printers, furniture, etc, etc. It's amazing! Almost everything listed sells - no matter how old or how odd.
Q. How often can an agency list auctions on Public Surplus?
A. There is no limit! For most agencies continuous auctions are best. Meaning, there is no need to accumulate an inventory of surplus items to have enough for a live auction or sale. Instead of waiting, agencies are able to list items for internal reallocation or public auction as soon as they are declared surplus. This keeps warehouses and inventories streamlined and organized.
Q. How much more revenue do public agencies generate using Public Surplus compared to traditional methods?
A. Based on experience, agencies using Public Surplus have increased total net revenue of surplus sales by at least 30%, and in some cases, exceeding 200%.
Q. What is the cost of using Public Surplus?
A. Due to the fact that each and every Agency is different and has unique needs, Public Surplus has changed their "one size fits all" pricing model. Pricing is now calculated for each Agency based on many variables, including volume of business, value of items being listed, unique needs, etc. We strongly believe that no other company is able to offer a comparable product, at our level of service, and beat our price. Based on the variables described, it is possible the fee we charge the Agency can be as low as FREE.
Q. Are Internet Auctions legal?
A. Absolutely! There are no regulations or statutes in any State prohibiting the use of Internet Auctions as a tool in the bidding process. Point of fact, the Federal Government and most States encourage public agencies to adopt modern technology to reduce costs and increase efficiency. The primary legal and operational concerns are related to the prevention of collusion between bidders, and public employees and bidders. A third-party enabled Internet Auction inherently has more protection against collusion than the traditional methods used by agencies for procurement and sales.
Q. Does Public Surplus require a long-term contractual commitment?
A. No! Public Surplus is available on an, "At Will," basis. We understand that agencies would use Public Surplus only so long as it is better than any alternative available to them. This provides us motivation to continuously provide the best service and technology available.
Q. How does Public Surplus' system compare with systems offered by other companies?
To our knowledge, no other company offers an automated system that manages an agency's entire surplus inventory operation from the moment an item is declared surplus to its final disposition. Nor are we aware of any competitor who can direct specialty buyers to your auctions from across the globe.A.
Q. How does Public Surplus attract buyers to an agency's auctions?
A. With our "Buyer Contact Department." The Buyer Contact Department sets us apart from other online auction companies by actively generating interest and activity to all auctions. This is achieved by:
- Helping agencies generate awareness and attract buyers located within an agency's own community.
- Notifying our database of buyers about new items listed for auction. Since we have been working exclusively with public agencies on the sale of their surplus via internet auction longer than anyone else, we have developed the worlds' largest database of specialty buyers.
- Actively researching to bring additional specialty buyers to your specific items.
Q. Is training and customer support provided?
A. Yes! Training and customer support is provided at no cost to agency users. However, the great thing about Public Surplus is that it is so easy to learn and use that it only requires a short amount of training.
Q. Does becoming a seller on Public Surplus require an RFP?
A. No! The seller has absolutely no risk at all when using Public Surplus:
- Use of Public Surplus is on an at-will basis. No commitment or contracts are required before an organization can sell surplus on our system.
- Also, our fee can be passed on to the buyers. If an agency chooses to do so, there is no need to go out for competitive bid. However, we understand some agencies may still want to go through a competitive process. We are happy to respond in these cases.
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